Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 83

A few thing have happened to me since the last time I updated my blog.  First things first my team.. the Nebraska Cornhuskers were beat by Oklahoma.  That started my weekend off great.  Then  last night when I was about ready to sit down and blog a bit more about what happened I walked over to my bedroom and found out someone broke into my apartment and took all my stuff.   And lastly when I weighed myself this morning I found out that I gained a kilo from the day before. Been down to the low 82 handle for the past week or so but bounced back up.   So guess which one pissed me off the worst.  Yes it was Nebraska losing..   but anyway it has been a long few days..

Out Saturday and ASIJ Winterfest and did have a few people comment on how much weight I lost.  One mentioned as well that he hadn't lost a thing over the past few years and he runs 50 miles a week.  So as you say you have to mix it up and more importantly watch what you are eating to see any success

About the gym...  what I see is that the majority of people do not have a specific system or more importantly a goal that they are trying to accomplish.  They seem to do a few sets and sit around and have a few drinks of water.   Maybe run on the treadmill for 20 to 30 minutes and sweat out a bucket..  ( pretty much what I was doing for a few years) but not really accomplish a thing.  Still the same weight/body look that I have seen over the past few years.   You need to attack the gym and have a system and schedule in place before you show up.   Gone are the days in which you think you can show up at the gym and run a few kilometers and think you will get in shape.    And a good thing that I finally realized this as well.

That is about it for now.


  1. seriously? Break in? WTF? time to move out of the projects!!

  2. Sucks about your house, but awesome news about your new perspective on how to use the gym!
