Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 15-16

Gone are the days when I think I get a good workout by just going to the gym and having a run for 5 to 6 ks.  I feel the workout that I am doing now puts me in a much better mood.. at least until I get to work but anyway I do feel better.  Push-ups are tough but I am getting more done.  Pumping through the jump ropes.

Food not bad as well tonight.  Wife made me Kajiki maguro while my wife and daughter had Dia Indian keema curry with nan.. my favorite..  WTF on that.  Anyway, still feels good resisting the urge to dig into things that I shouldn't-- pretty much like it was when I quite smoking.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 12 and 13

Been a bit lazy and could not get on the PC yesterday.  Workouts are going good but still the push-ups are difficult.  I do complete them which makes me feel damn good.  Definitely getting better at jumping rope.  The resistance band exercises are burning nicely on the 3rd rep as well.

Have been losing a little bit of weight in my gut which is nice.  Think it is probably more that I have given up drinking 3 to 4 pints of beer after work that anything else but I will take it.  Do feel I am getting a little bit stronger and I feel much better about myself.  Sleeping better as well.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 11

First day in about 2 weeks that right after I finished eating my dinner I was still starving.  Wife cooked a great tuna steak with small olive oil and spiced with pepper, herbs and some lemon.  Best damn thing I have had in about 2 weeks.  I would like to have it again but since it goes for about 1000 yen a pop I don't think I will be seeing too much of it.    First real challenge on not wanting to dig into anything else after dinner since today I really felt it.

Workout was good.  650 jumps going much more smoothly than they did over the last few days.  Even though I am using medium strength resistance bands the standing ovation exercise really burned today.  It was good.   Tomorrow looking forward to the push-ups... which i do hate.  

Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 10

Usually I work out after the market closes but today I just wanted to get out of work as quickly as possible. Market remains tough and very frustrating to trade.  Do find out though that I am getting quite hungry during the day... especially around 4 to 5 in the evening.

Found a good incline pull-up bar behind my house in the park.  ( the monkey bars that kids use to spin around on)   It actually worked quite well.  Find the sets much more difficult but that is nice.  About it for today.    

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 9

Today I went out and bought myself some organic jumbo oats cereal from Nisshin.   Actually tasted like ground up card board.   Had to add a few blueberries to make it even partially acceptable.  However, even though the portions are big for all meals I am surprised on how not full I feel during the day.  If anything I feel hungry after about an hour.

Workout done in the morning.  600 jumps still quite a bit and my calves are still sore.  Arms a bit as well.    Feels good though.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Don't know if anyone else felt this but thought that was a lot of food.  Especially for breakfast.  In the past even after everything I have read my breakfast has usually been the smallest meal of the day for me.  Always just had to grab something before leaving the house.   Probably one of the big reasons why I would be starving come about lunch time.  Dinner used to be the largest...  obviously we all know that is bad but that is the way things would work.  So this is a big transformation for my diet.

As for the workout..  600 jumps much tougher than the 500 yesterday.  Think I missed the jump about 50 times during the process and just barely finish ahead of Alex. My calves are hurting today. Pull-ups a treat ( a bit sarcastic)  since I have never done those before.

Took some time after dinner last night to go out to the range and hit some golf balls.   Trying to get a bit better so I can begin to win money back instead of watching it fly out of my pockets as of late.  

  Looks like a bit of rain today so will have to get on it.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 6 & 7

Two days in one today.  Was busy yesterday so didn't have a chance to write.  The exercise went as planned.  I jumped rope as usual out in the parking lot..  Me and the mosquitoes.  They were taking me down mid jump..   Still find the push-ups with the bar tough.  Can only do a set and a half on my toes..  Have to say I thought I would never admit to doing push-ups from my knees but that is about the only way I can complete all the sets.

Today did the 500 jumps.   Completed in a little over 5 minutes.  The pain the my legs seem to have disappeared for now.  I am sure the pain will pick up again starting from tomorrow.  Last half dinner was Yakinikudon and a  bottle of Smirnoff Ice drink. Thought one bottle would be fine since I would have normally downed about 3 a night in the past.  On the way home I bought a bottle of wine and thought about sharing that with my wife tonight but thought it would taste much better after Dec 15th.

Even after one week I feel much better than I have felt in about 10 years.  I know the program is going to get tough as hell going forward but I am looking forward to it.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 5

Out with my wife and younger daughter last night for dinner.  Went out to an organic macrobiotic  restaurant and the food was actually quite good.  One thing that surprises me is how much better all the food tastes when I am just eating half of it.  My body feels a lot better as well.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 4

My wife was on the computer doing her work so a day late with the blog.  My 10 year old yesterday told me in her own words that "you have become a bit cranky over the past few days".  I do suppose I have to be more careful around my family when I am on this diet.  Legs are feeling much better but am finding the push-ups to be very difficult with the push-up bars..   This is life and will have to deal with it.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 3

Not too much to report.  A bit shattered after waking up at 4:30 this morning for golf.  The weather was fantastic and the golf was not bad.  Good to get out in little American though.  Good change of pace.  Purchased a new jump rope and some push up bars.  With the bars it is much more difficult.. couldn't get all my three sets done.  Do it again tomorrow.  

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 2

Have to say today was a bit of a tough one.  2nd day in and all.  Had a previous arrangement a few months ago to attend wine tasting dinner at the French Kitchen tonight.  Tough to only eat half of the dishes that came out but did it anyway.  First time I had more than 5 glasses of wine on the table without me plowing through all of them.   Had to drink one of them though...  1985 Chateau Cos d`Estournel.   Waking up tomorrow early ( 4:30 AM) and golfing with Jimbo and crew out at the Zama military base.  Been looking forward to this for a bit.

Workout good.  Yes lunges do hurt so my legs are feeling it only after two days.  See you tomorrow.  

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 1

First day on the project and tried to cut half of what I usually have out of my diet.  Have to say I was hungry all day long.  As for the workout..   I was a bit more winded with the jump rope that I thought I would be.  I guess I have not done that for about 15 years.  Have to get the rhythm down.   Felt the squats as well walking down the stairs to the subway.   Have to say I am looking forward to the experience.