Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Don't know if anyone else felt this but thought that was a lot of food.  Especially for breakfast.  In the past even after everything I have read my breakfast has usually been the smallest meal of the day for me.  Always just had to grab something before leaving the house.   Probably one of the big reasons why I would be starving come about lunch time.  Dinner used to be the largest...  obviously we all know that is bad but that is the way things would work.  So this is a big transformation for my diet.

As for the workout..  600 jumps much tougher than the 500 yesterday.  Think I missed the jump about 50 times during the process and just barely finish ahead of Alex. My calves are hurting today. Pull-ups a treat ( a bit sarcastic)  since I have never done those before.

Took some time after dinner last night to go out to the range and hit some golf balls.   Trying to get a bit better so I can begin to win money back instead of watching it fly out of my pockets as of late.  

  Looks like a bit of rain today so will have to get on it.


  1. It is a lot of food. But it's real food and will support you.

  2. Bigger breakfast is probably better too? Keeps you supported for most of the day?

    Just think, only 12 more weeks of this....!

  3. Yep - your eating habits are changing drastically!! You'll be amazed at how much better you feel as time goes on. One of my favorite things about the diet is eating so many times throughout the day. No more bad food choices due to being so ravenous!

  4. Breakfasts are big, and probably we are not used to eating that much after just waking up, but I have found that as the day goes on I am pretty hungry when a snack or meal time arises...I thought it was a ton of food on day one, but I think you're body will adjust
