Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 1

First day on the project and tried to cut half of what I usually have out of my diet.  Have to say I was hungry all day long.  As for the workout..   I was a bit more winded with the jump rope that I thought I would be.  I guess I have not done that for about 15 years.  Have to get the rhythm down.   Felt the squats as well walking down the stairs to the subway.   Have to say I am looking forward to the experience.  


  1. I hated the half week, but it'll be over soon and then you get lovely lovely grams. I hope you're not too starving in the meantime.

  2. Tim F'n Reed!

    Its surprising how hard jumping rope is and how long it takes to get into a rythm.

    The first few days of squats and lunges are a real wake-up call for your legs....

  3. yup, legs killed on week one. stretch your quads and calves as much as you can!
