Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Two Weeks left

Updated new photos today..   Down to 83 kg which is a loss of 13.5 kg over the past 76 days.  Pretty happy with that.  Find the workouts over the past few days have of course been brutal.  Push-ups, pull-ups triceps dips and of course the 90 second planks.  Still having a tough time getting anything over 1 set done correctly.  All the other sets of planks I end up dropping a knee with 40--30 seconds left.

While I am writing this my youngest daughter is sitting beside me and still saying that I am too cranky when I get home.  Think I am just a bit too tired recently.  Feel great after the workouts but after I get home I end up just passing out.


Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 74 Happy Thanksgiving and the day after

Been a tough couple of days..  Have to say I am finding it a bit difficult on the motivation front this week.  Been going through the workout and pressing it but I am finding it difficult.  I know we only have a few weeks left but I am sure that is the problem.  Anyway... as always I get over it and move on.

That is about it for me today.  

Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 69

First things first will load up my pictures tomorrow.  My first daughter's birthday today so sat and watched them eat their cake..... they cake my mom used to make for me when I was a kid.. pure sugar.   Stuff is good but held off.

Workouts are tough and really feeling the burn especially the pull-ups and the elevated tri dips today.    Could not execute the Kung -fu sit up since the gym was a too busy so did 4 sets of 12 V-sit ups instead.  The elevated push-ups yesterday were a treat along with the 90 second planks..    Both those put serious amount of hurt on me.  Still can't complete the full 90 seconds yet on later sets but will get there.  

Also started to listen to some ACDC while jumping my 5 minute sets.   You do blast through them when  you have tunes on you like.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Up to day 66

The workouts over the past few days have been difficult to say the least.  My legs/rear still hurt from the lunges/pistol squats and floor jumps from 3 days ago.  Found the 4 sets of 90 second planks impossible to get all in without lowering a knee.  First one fine but the remainder tough as hell.  Need to get  those done right. I do look back and remember the initial 30 second plank hurt like hell as well so indeed I have improved and am stronger. Today Benson and myself did not have the chance to do the Kung-fu sit ups since the gym was crowded so replaced that with 4 sets of 25 regular.  

So in short the extra sets are working and I feel like I am exhausted after I am done.  Trying to go for the failure as you have mentioned.  Always feel I could do more as I sit writing this.  

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 64

Not really too much much to report.  Bought myself a new resistance band the other day so the 6 sets of the divinci were about as painful as I could remember.  Also the increase in the snacks not a bad thing as well. Last few weeks I have been starving during the later end of the day.  I could smell everything that people were eating from about 40 feet.

I was very surprised the other day that I could buy some pants that would fit me again in Fast Retailing.  Have to say my wife was surprised as well.

Anyway-- over the past few days I have been feeling very fat even though my weight has not been gaining at all.  A bit weird but so goes it.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 62

ok..  been a few days since my last blog.   I did participate in my first real indulgence day since I started this 62 days ago.. .except for my 1 american hot dog I had which I think really didn't count.  Anyway, the dinner was at a nice Italian restaurant in Marunouchi with my wife and another couple.  The food was great but unfortunately it was all fish so I really didn't feel like I indulged that much with the food.   But I did have my fair share of alcohol so I guess I made up for it a bit.. and did catch a small buzz in the process.  Did find out though that I can really take it or leave it with the alcohol..  it was good but really feel it is not that important to me...  unless it is a great bottle of wine.

On that Saturday did not have the time to complete the workout.  Back from golfing about 4:00 pm and had to be in the Ginza for dinner by 5...   so just banged out the jump ropes and took a shower.  The next day I really pressed it as hard as I could to get my workout done within an hour.  Today as well I might add.  Been fairly stable on my weight over the past week.  My body usually does that every few weeks or so I will take it as it goes.


Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 59

Been a bit lazy with by blogger.com page..    In the evening I am getting tired around 10:00 pm so by the time I have the computer time I am already completely passed out.  Workouts are good but feel like they are going about 10 minutes over the time limit according to your note so will have to be stress the time between sets a bit more.  As for the jump ropes...   been happy if I can get in anywhere 2000 total right now.  Doing the 4 minutes sets much easier than it was just a few days ago.

Off golfing with Jason  Block tomorrow so up before the sun rises.   Also my indulgence day is on schedule for tomorrow.  Looking forward to that I have to say

Until later,

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 56

Posted new pictures today.  Down to 85 kg which is just 1.5kg for the week and just over 10 since I started.  Pretty happy about that.  4 sets of 4 minute jump ropes much tougher obviously than the 3 minute sets.   But that is progress isn't it.

Looking forward to the new workouts and diet.  

Sunday, November 7, 2010

up to day 54

I think I am exhausted after this weekend.  I got up to make my PCP breakfast early Saturday morning before golf..  took a shower and got dressed and right before I started to cook my egg I saw that I had gotten out of bed about 3 hours before my alarm clock went off.   Tried to get back in bed but unfortunately did not sleep very much before I went out and played.  And I played like crap to top it off.   Anyway, to make a long story short I did not have the best PCP program over the weekend.  Jump ropes were not on and thought my exercise just did not meet my expectations both Sat and Sun.   I know we have to make a point about getting quite a bit of sleep and I really felt like I missed it this weekend.

Feeling like I am getting some pains in my body.  Mainly in my knee joints and sometimes in my shoulders.  Shoulder pains probably more muscle pain than anything which I don't mind but my knees seem to be bothering me.  Not a huge issue now but I am aware of it.    

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 50-51

Started the day absolutely drained.  Jump ropes were tough today.  Felt like I had concrete shoes on.  Kept tripping up but still finished 1750 during the 5 sets.. so I guess not a total waste.  Push-ups remain difficult as hell.  working on em.   Workouts remain tough but it really feels good I have to say.  I feel the best I have felt in years.

I think I have to postpone my indulgence day for a week.  I was looking forward to having a nice burger but my wife wants to make a go of it... so out with some friends on the 13th for Italian.  

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 48--49

Downloaded my pictures just now and down to 86.5kg this week. My old Japanese home stay mother took a look and was quite surprised on not how much weight I have lost but how huge I was when I started this program.

Jump ropes going OK I think...  Trying to complete anywhere between 1750 an 2000 per session.  Back in the saddle again for the new workouts tomorrow.  See the our diet has been pushed down a little bit for breakfast.  Gutted about the 80 grams for carbs... I usually really look forward to eating the cereal that I used to hate eating when I first started with this 49 days ago.   Anyway.. right now I am dreaming of having a nice big burger for my indulgence day.