Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 59

Been a bit lazy with by page..    In the evening I am getting tired around 10:00 pm so by the time I have the computer time I am already completely passed out.  Workouts are good but feel like they are going about 10 minutes over the time limit according to your note so will have to be stress the time between sets a bit more.  As for the jump ropes...   been happy if I can get in anywhere 2000 total right now.  Doing the 4 minutes sets much easier than it was just a few days ago.

Off golfing with Jason  Block tomorrow so up before the sun rises.   Also my indulgence day is on schedule for tomorrow.  Looking forward to that I have to say

Until later,

1 comment:

  1. Hit those rest times on the nose and you can finish in an hour! I promise!
