Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 45--47 Over the hump

Surprising that we are half way done with this.  Not quite sure if it is going fast or slow.  I guess it all depends on the day for me.   Decided to try out the Minato-ku gym the other day when the typhoon was passing through.   Not a bad facility but they do not allow anyone to jump rope if the activity room has a program going on.  I guess not enough room in the other 4 gyms around the complex...

My jump rope has become a bit worse over the past few days.   not sure why but my average is slipping back a bit.  Probably getting a bit tired.  May try to jump these out in the morning before I go to work.   Four sets of 15 push-ups quite a test.  My arms/chest are rubber after I did those.

Not much more to say.  I am really trying to concentrate on everything I am doing... especially the muscle group that is under stress.    I feel that it really is having positive impact on my workout.    

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 43--44

After I started this week timing my jump ropes I have been averaging about 250 per 2 minute set so I have been jumping more in less time than I was when I just had to do 1500.  It really has helped my concentration.  Yesterday's push ups were tough..  got through them... not all on my toes but got through em.  Trying to take those as deep as possible.  Also recently been trying to slow down my sit up action and really visualizing me rolling up my abs like a newspaper. Thanks for that analogy--it really helps me press those muscles since in the past I think I have been jerking that move too much.  After I finished the sit-ups the v sit-ups proved to be very interesting.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 41--42

Good workout on Day 41 by myself.  It was unfortunate that I did not have Benson pushing me along like I normally have.   He was missed.  Felt I could do the workout a little bit more easily than the ones over the past weekend.  Most difficult part though were the abs...  bicycle and v- sit ups.

My nephew and niece were in town from Moscow last night.  They are the athletes in the family.  They both ice dance for the Japanese national team and participated in the last Olympics in Vancouver.  Talk about 2 kids that are in shape.  Their younger sister actually ice danced for Georgia too.  Anyway-- did break from my diet a little bit had had a couple of sushi with them.

Feel like I have to be extra careful right now because so many people in our company are out sick right now.  Need to get a bit more sleep since I am totally spent.

Updated my pictures today..  down to 88kg..  looking forward to next week diets and workout schedule.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 39-40

Both days I have been exhausted again.  Golf was good but by the time I got home I was completely shattered.  It always seems to be much more difficult to decide to go work out rather than the workout itself.  Once I started I felt a ton better and got through it no problem.  Think I pulled something in my back though last night..  Today's workout was much more difficult..   it took me forever it seems to finish it up it seems.   One result I am seeing is that I have broken into the 88 kg handle.  First time in I don't know how many years.

Food is going well, especially my dinner shakes.  My kids loved the taste so much they wanted me to make some for them--- minus the raw egg whites.

Till tomorrow.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 37-- Day 38

Have to say Patrick that these workouts this week are brutal.  Been doing it with Benson over the past week and we are definitely feeling it.  Benson has been getting a lot better at jumping ropes.   Today he beat me by about 200 jumps...  I have to admit that even I was surprised but we both feel that the ropes are the easiest part of the workout.

I am having some serious cravings right now..  my wife was cooking chocolate brownies or muffins last night for my daughter's cheerleading group and walking through the kitchen was like walking through a field of land mines.  Anyway.. keeping strict with my diet because I still want to get rid of my gut.

Golfing with Jimbo and Blockie tomorrow.  Should be a good day to do it.  

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 35-- 36

Rest day was good.  Used to dread the thought of jumping 700 jumps but now 1400 go by quite smoothly. It is a bit tiring but I do enjoy it.  The pistol squats do hurt and find that I am using my arm a bit too much right now to help me back up..   will work on that.  Surprised on how much the 30 second bicycle rep hurt as well.  Still finding the pull-ups difficult as hell and have to revert back to the lateral pull-ups to finish.  Have to say the workout is picking up and getting much more difficult but I  say this every week and still complete it which makes me feel good.  I am tired but I think everyone is in the same boat.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 34

Workout today was a tough one I have to say.  The jump rope took way too long to complete.   I can't remember how many times I actually tripped up today.  I really do feel the muscle ache tonight from the workout.

Just put up my new picture today.  Been hovering just over 89 kg for this past week but then gained a kg yesterday.  That is the way it goes..   Don't really see much of a difference from the past week but quite a bit from when I started.

The last few days I have started once again to feel hunger pains in the evening and also craving just about everything you can think of.   That is just the way it is so I am living with it.   Looking forward to the day off tomorrow... always makes the week a bit shorter.  

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 32--33rd

Don't know what it is but I have been exhausted over the past few days.  I have been going to bed early but just a bit lethargic.  Saturday's workout specifically tough.. did not want to do it but did it anyway and felt a hell of a lot better for it.  Find the chest dips tough and the only chairs we have in the house that support my weight are not that tall so I find I cannot extend all the way down as far as I feel I should.  But even with that I do find them difficult.

Today was the first night after I started the new diet that I began to get pretty hungry again at night.   Went out with the family for dinner and while everyone else was having pasta and calzone I was having vegetable sticks.   Anyway.. that's the way it goes.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 30th--31st

Last two days of workouts have been rough but finished.  Especially today.... I was totally shattered when I arrived in the gym and felt expended after I left.  Good workout but seeing they are getting much more difficult.  Squat jumps are brutal along with the leg lifts and plank.  The plank is getting easier but I see we have to do it for 40 seconds the next time which I am sure those 10 seconds will seem like a lifetime.

Took advice from Blockie and jammed my milk/banana/egg whites + some cinnamon and a little honey into a blender and made a shake.   Actually tastes pretty damn good.  I think I will stick with that going forward.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 29th

Workout for me is getting much tougher but good.   Alex Benson and myself flew through the jump ropes in good time.  I think I got through 460 today before I tripped up... personal best for me so far.  Lunges and the jumps hurt but a good hurt.  Maybe got about two pull-ups in before I had to go do the lateral but that was two more than I could do from the start.  Feeling better on the plank even after the 100 sit ups so pretty happy about that.   It does hurt though quite a bit.

Have to say I am a bit surprised with my supper.  Even though I think I am eating less my hunger pains that I have been feeling over the past few weeks after dinner are gone.   It must be the milk.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 27th--28th.

Both yesterday and today still trying to get over the pain in my legs.  Good pain though I have to say.  I jumped rope like hell today for my 1300 and even Benson beat me.  Have to admit though he is getting a lot better at jumping rope than before.

Dropped down to just over 90kg after the end of the week.   Don't think I have been in the 8 handle for quite some time so looking forward to date.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day 25th--26th

Day 25th finished the workout and headed on over the Nishimachi Food Fair.  When I first started the program I was hoping that we would be given a few days off during the 90 days to pork out on usual cr#p and have few drinks on the side since this is an annual occasion with all the parents at school.  Then I saw your note and I saw that today would be a good day to try that out.  Unfortunately it was raining on Saturday and did not really want to take my one or two free drinks of wine  standing outside in the middle of a rainstorm.  Thought I would like to enjoy my day a bit more than that...   I did however have a nice American hot-dog and I swear it was about the best thing I have had in about 3 weeks.  I do have a simple life..  So,  I stayed away from the booze and that actually made me pretty happy.

Workouts are getting more difficult.  I really felt the creep this morning more so than anything of late on my legs. It felt like 120 single leg squats to me.   I was walking up and down the stairs in my place like a 90 year old up until the afternoon today.  Did not think the plank was as difficult today but that was probably because I didn't have Benson yelling at me to straighten out my back.  Pull-ups still near impossible.. maybe I got 2 in today.. using some contraption in the park opposite my apartment to do the attempts but think it probably will not support my entire weight so best be careful on that.

Feeling good though...   going to bed early and sleeping well..  Feel stronger.    Happy we have the day off tomorrow.  

Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 24th

Thought you said that I would enjoy the plank for the first couple of days.   Have to say that I enjoyed it for about the first 15 seconds but after that it was torture.  Then I realized I had another 2 sets to do.  Anyway, given on how much pain I was in I am sure they work.  Seems the other parts are tougher but getting through em.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 22-23rd

Not too much to report over the past few days.  Back with the workout and after I am done my arms feel like rubber.  I do feel like I am getting a bit stronger which is cool.  Went back in my closet the other day and started to drag out some old suits that my girth had made obsolete but found out that I could put some of them back on.  Found a receipt in one of them from 2003.  I really don't think I weighed over 90 kg back then so I guess I am putting some muscle mass on.

Resistance bands are tough.  Trying to slow those reps out as much as possible and definitely feeling it.  Push-ups getting better.  Today completed three sets on my toes.. final set needed to go to my knees but coming along.  Pull-ups another story but will work on it

New exercises look tough.  Should be interesting.  

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 20--21st

The workout on day 20th was brutal.  I felt pretty horrible on all the sets.. especially the push ups and triceps. All the resistance bands burned quite well and my arms are pretty sore today.  Not sure if it was the last day before our rest day or that I was in he gym about 4:30 in the afternoon.   Probably a bit of both.  I do tend to feel I get through everything better on the weekends when I work out earlier in the morning but obviously can' t do that during the week unless I am unemployed..  which I don't want to be.

Put my picture up on the web yesterday.   Felt a bit bummed that I could really not see much of an improvement over the previous week.  So goes it I guess.

1000 jumps much easier than I expected but still tripping up too much.  Probably need to slow it down and try to extend the number of jumps.  As it stands the max I think I have done without tripping so far is about 125 or so.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 19-20 Exhausted

Saturday I was completely exhausted after waking up at 4:50 AM for golf with Jim.  Shot an 87 at Kimisarazu which is not too bad.   Have to be honest and say that Saturday was one day that I did not want to work out after I got home.  It took me about 4 hours to finally pull my lazy ass outside to start jumping rope but once I did it ended up being a lot easier than I expected.  I was surprised that I could do more push ups than I had in the past but still ended up 1 short in my 3 set.  So I dropped down and finished 15 more off of my knees to push it.  The others going better but still feel I need to slow down the reps more to get maximum burn.  I was in bed by 9:30...  

Sunday finished the workout in the morning.  No pull-up bar so did the incline pull-ups instead.  Snapped my band on the standing ovation which almost took my ear off.  Hated that band anyway since I bought the cheap version that you wrap around your hands which tend to cut the circulation off if you wrap it around too much.   Need to spend a bit more cash this time around.  

My weight really hasn't changed too much over the past week.  I seem to be hovering around 92 kg.  Feel better though and looking forward to next week on the workouts with Benson.  Food going well but over the past few days feel like I am starving after dinner..  but dealing with it.    

Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 17-18

Not the best day working out on day 17th.  Half way through the workout boss called and scheduled a meeting that I had to attend.  Was not able to get back to finish things up until a few hours later before I went to bed.  Not the best result but did what I had to do.  Second day I finally found something that I do worse than push ups..... that would be a pull-up.   Benson can attest to that but I barely could get out 1 proper one.  Not a good result but something that I will have to change and work on.

Out golfing with Jim tomorrow..   need to get up and the crack of dawn to eat my breakfast and make the ride.  Looking forward to it.   I wonder if my golf game will have improved..