Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 37-- Day 38

Have to say Patrick that these workouts this week are brutal.  Been doing it with Benson over the past week and we are definitely feeling it.  Benson has been getting a lot better at jumping ropes.   Today he beat me by about 200 jumps...  I have to admit that even I was surprised but we both feel that the ropes are the easiest part of the workout.

I am having some serious cravings right now..  my wife was cooking chocolate brownies or muffins last night for my daughter's cheerleading group and walking through the kitchen was like walking through a field of land mines.  Anyway.. keeping strict with my diet because I still want to get rid of my gut.

Golfing with Jimbo and Blockie tomorrow.  Should be a good day to do it.  


  1. Your choice, say goodbye to the gut or hello to the brownies. Either way involves pain and sacrifice.

  2. Yeah, the brownies will be there after this is done (but you probably wont want them then).
