Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 22-23rd

Not too much to report over the past few days.  Back with the workout and after I am done my arms feel like rubber.  I do feel like I am getting a bit stronger which is cool.  Went back in my closet the other day and started to drag out some old suits that my girth had made obsolete but found out that I could put some of them back on.  Found a receipt in one of them from 2003.  I really don't think I weighed over 90 kg back then so I guess I am putting some muscle mass on.

Resistance bands are tough.  Trying to slow those reps out as much as possible and definitely feeling it.  Push-ups getting better.  Today completed three sets on my toes.. final set needed to go to my knees but coming along.  Pull-ups another story but will work on it

New exercises look tough.  Should be interesting.  

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