Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 19-20 Exhausted

Saturday I was completely exhausted after waking up at 4:50 AM for golf with Jim.  Shot an 87 at Kimisarazu which is not too bad.   Have to be honest and say that Saturday was one day that I did not want to work out after I got home.  It took me about 4 hours to finally pull my lazy ass outside to start jumping rope but once I did it ended up being a lot easier than I expected.  I was surprised that I could do more push ups than I had in the past but still ended up 1 short in my 3 set.  So I dropped down and finished 15 more off of my knees to push it.  The others going better but still feel I need to slow down the reps more to get maximum burn.  I was in bed by 9:30...  

Sunday finished the workout in the morning.  No pull-up bar so did the incline pull-ups instead.  Snapped my band on the standing ovation which almost took my ear off.  Hated that band anyway since I bought the cheap version that you wrap around your hands which tend to cut the circulation off if you wrap it around too much.   Need to spend a bit more cash this time around.  

My weight really hasn't changed too much over the past week.  I seem to be hovering around 92 kg.  Feel better though and looking forward to next week on the workouts with Benson.  Food going well but over the past few days feel like I am starving after dinner..  but dealing with it.    


  1. 87! Not bad. Could it be the PCP?

    I have found that lately I dont get the 'starving' feeling anymore. I think my stomach has shrunk and its helping.

    Keep it up!

  2. The band snap had to happen to somebody - hope this is the only incident for team oc.

  3. Why is it that whenever we are teamed up in golf you never break 90? Jimbo can be very difficult to golf with as you know. I've had a couple days where I wanted to skip the workout, but does feel really good when you finally get it done.
