Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 90

Day 90
Wow-- day 90 came much quicker than I ever thought it would.  It has been a difficult,  yet enjoyable journey these past 3 months.  Started the program at 95.5kg and ended up at 80.8kg for a total loss of 14.7kg.  Final pictures have been uploaded.    Did not have any specific weight loss goals when I started but really just wanted to do the program as it was set up and see where it would take me…  and I have been very happy with the results.  The big issue for me is how I will set myself up to continue some degree of the program for the rest of my life.  One thing for sure I will definitely lead a much more balanced life going forward.  It truly has been the best money that I have ever spent.  I would highly recommend the program to anyone that wants to turn their life around.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 84

Uploaded my new pictures for the week.  Not much of a change in my weight from last..  still around 83ish.

One thing for sure is 2 sets of 9 minutes goes a lot quicker that 3 of seven for jumping ropes.

Until later,

Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 83

A few thing have happened to me since the last time I updated my blog.  First things first my team.. the Nebraska Cornhuskers were beat by Oklahoma.  That started my weekend off great.  Then  last night when I was about ready to sit down and blog a bit more about what happened I walked over to my bedroom and found out someone broke into my apartment and took all my stuff.   And lastly when I weighed myself this morning I found out that I gained a kilo from the day before. Been down to the low 82 handle for the past week or so but bounced back up.   So guess which one pissed me off the worst.  Yes it was Nebraska losing..   but anyway it has been a long few days..

Out Saturday and ASIJ Winterfest and did have a few people comment on how much weight I lost.  One mentioned as well that he hadn't lost a thing over the past few years and he runs 50 miles a week.  So as you say you have to mix it up and more importantly watch what you are eating to see any success

About the gym...  what I see is that the majority of people do not have a specific system or more importantly a goal that they are trying to accomplish.  They seem to do a few sets and sit around and have a few drinks of water.   Maybe run on the treadmill for 20 to 30 minutes and sweat out a bucket..  ( pretty much what I was doing for a few years) but not really accomplish a thing.  Still the same weight/body look that I have seen over the past few years.   You need to attack the gym and have a system and schedule in place before you show up.   Gone are the days in which you think you can show up at the gym and run a few kilometers and think you will get in shape.    And a good thing that I finally realized this as well.

That is about it for now.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 79

Workouts remain brutal.  Push-ups a killer and the planks remain tough as hell.  Really feeling everything right now.  The jumping rope I do not mind so much..   Stopped counting the skips and instead trying to increase the variations on what I am doing.   Keeps me interested a bit more than zoning out.

One thing interesting that I felt today doing the plank is that for the first time I felt a hell of a lot lighter.  Not sure why it hit me right now but I felt good.  Still could not do my full sets after my first without taking a break but it is getting much better.

As for my indulgence day--   I did have a small turkey dinner at a friend's place last Saturday with a bit of wine so decided to substitute. Thought about having a burger/beer after I saw your note but decided that I could let that pass for a few weeks until the program is over.
That's it.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Two Weeks left

Updated new photos today..   Down to 83 kg which is a loss of 13.5 kg over the past 76 days.  Pretty happy with that.  Find the workouts over the past few days have of course been brutal.  Push-ups, pull-ups triceps dips and of course the 90 second planks.  Still having a tough time getting anything over 1 set done correctly.  All the other sets of planks I end up dropping a knee with 40--30 seconds left.

While I am writing this my youngest daughter is sitting beside me and still saying that I am too cranky when I get home.  Think I am just a bit too tired recently.  Feel great after the workouts but after I get home I end up just passing out.


Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 74 Happy Thanksgiving and the day after

Been a tough couple of days..  Have to say I am finding it a bit difficult on the motivation front this week.  Been going through the workout and pressing it but I am finding it difficult.  I know we only have a few weeks left but I am sure that is the problem.  Anyway... as always I get over it and move on.

That is about it for me today.  

Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 69

First things first will load up my pictures tomorrow.  My first daughter's birthday today so sat and watched them eat their cake..... they cake my mom used to make for me when I was a kid.. pure sugar.   Stuff is good but held off.

Workouts are tough and really feeling the burn especially the pull-ups and the elevated tri dips today.    Could not execute the Kung -fu sit up since the gym was a too busy so did 4 sets of 12 V-sit ups instead.  The elevated push-ups yesterday were a treat along with the 90 second planks..    Both those put serious amount of hurt on me.  Still can't complete the full 90 seconds yet on later sets but will get there.  

Also started to listen to some ACDC while jumping my 5 minute sets.   You do blast through them when  you have tunes on you like.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Up to day 66

The workouts over the past few days have been difficult to say the least.  My legs/rear still hurt from the lunges/pistol squats and floor jumps from 3 days ago.  Found the 4 sets of 90 second planks impossible to get all in without lowering a knee.  First one fine but the remainder tough as hell.  Need to get  those done right. I do look back and remember the initial 30 second plank hurt like hell as well so indeed I have improved and am stronger. Today Benson and myself did not have the chance to do the Kung-fu sit ups since the gym was crowded so replaced that with 4 sets of 25 regular.  

So in short the extra sets are working and I feel like I am exhausted after I am done.  Trying to go for the failure as you have mentioned.  Always feel I could do more as I sit writing this.  

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 64

Not really too much much to report.  Bought myself a new resistance band the other day so the 6 sets of the divinci were about as painful as I could remember.  Also the increase in the snacks not a bad thing as well. Last few weeks I have been starving during the later end of the day.  I could smell everything that people were eating from about 40 feet.

I was very surprised the other day that I could buy some pants that would fit me again in Fast Retailing.  Have to say my wife was surprised as well.

Anyway-- over the past few days I have been feeling very fat even though my weight has not been gaining at all.  A bit weird but so goes it.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 62

ok..  been a few days since my last blog.   I did participate in my first real indulgence day since I started this 62 days ago.. .except for my 1 american hot dog I had which I think really didn't count.  Anyway, the dinner was at a nice Italian restaurant in Marunouchi with my wife and another couple.  The food was great but unfortunately it was all fish so I really didn't feel like I indulged that much with the food.   But I did have my fair share of alcohol so I guess I made up for it a bit.. and did catch a small buzz in the process.  Did find out though that I can really take it or leave it with the alcohol..  it was good but really feel it is not that important to me...  unless it is a great bottle of wine.

On that Saturday did not have the time to complete the workout.  Back from golfing about 4:00 pm and had to be in the Ginza for dinner by 5...   so just banged out the jump ropes and took a shower.  The next day I really pressed it as hard as I could to get my workout done within an hour.  Today as well I might add.  Been fairly stable on my weight over the past week.  My body usually does that every few weeks or so I will take it as it goes.


Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 59

Been a bit lazy with by page..    In the evening I am getting tired around 10:00 pm so by the time I have the computer time I am already completely passed out.  Workouts are good but feel like they are going about 10 minutes over the time limit according to your note so will have to be stress the time between sets a bit more.  As for the jump ropes...   been happy if I can get in anywhere 2000 total right now.  Doing the 4 minutes sets much easier than it was just a few days ago.

Off golfing with Jason  Block tomorrow so up before the sun rises.   Also my indulgence day is on schedule for tomorrow.  Looking forward to that I have to say

Until later,

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 56

Posted new pictures today.  Down to 85 kg which is just 1.5kg for the week and just over 10 since I started.  Pretty happy about that.  4 sets of 4 minute jump ropes much tougher obviously than the 3 minute sets.   But that is progress isn't it.

Looking forward to the new workouts and diet.  

Sunday, November 7, 2010

up to day 54

I think I am exhausted after this weekend.  I got up to make my PCP breakfast early Saturday morning before golf..  took a shower and got dressed and right before I started to cook my egg I saw that I had gotten out of bed about 3 hours before my alarm clock went off.   Tried to get back in bed but unfortunately did not sleep very much before I went out and played.  And I played like crap to top it off.   Anyway, to make a long story short I did not have the best PCP program over the weekend.  Jump ropes were not on and thought my exercise just did not meet my expectations both Sat and Sun.   I know we have to make a point about getting quite a bit of sleep and I really felt like I missed it this weekend.

Feeling like I am getting some pains in my body.  Mainly in my knee joints and sometimes in my shoulders.  Shoulder pains probably more muscle pain than anything which I don't mind but my knees seem to be bothering me.  Not a huge issue now but I am aware of it.    

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 50-51

Started the day absolutely drained.  Jump ropes were tough today.  Felt like I had concrete shoes on.  Kept tripping up but still finished 1750 during the 5 sets.. so I guess not a total waste.  Push-ups remain difficult as hell.  working on em.   Workouts remain tough but it really feels good I have to say.  I feel the best I have felt in years.

I think I have to postpone my indulgence day for a week.  I was looking forward to having a nice burger but my wife wants to make a go of it... so out with some friends on the 13th for Italian.  

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 48--49

Downloaded my pictures just now and down to 86.5kg this week. My old Japanese home stay mother took a look and was quite surprised on not how much weight I have lost but how huge I was when I started this program.

Jump ropes going OK I think...  Trying to complete anywhere between 1750 an 2000 per session.  Back in the saddle again for the new workouts tomorrow.  See the our diet has been pushed down a little bit for breakfast.  Gutted about the 80 grams for carbs... I usually really look forward to eating the cereal that I used to hate eating when I first started with this 49 days ago.   Anyway.. right now I am dreaming of having a nice big burger for my indulgence day.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 45--47 Over the hump

Surprising that we are half way done with this.  Not quite sure if it is going fast or slow.  I guess it all depends on the day for me.   Decided to try out the Minato-ku gym the other day when the typhoon was passing through.   Not a bad facility but they do not allow anyone to jump rope if the activity room has a program going on.  I guess not enough room in the other 4 gyms around the complex...

My jump rope has become a bit worse over the past few days.   not sure why but my average is slipping back a bit.  Probably getting a bit tired.  May try to jump these out in the morning before I go to work.   Four sets of 15 push-ups quite a test.  My arms/chest are rubber after I did those.

Not much more to say.  I am really trying to concentrate on everything I am doing... especially the muscle group that is under stress.    I feel that it really is having positive impact on my workout.    

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 43--44

After I started this week timing my jump ropes I have been averaging about 250 per 2 minute set so I have been jumping more in less time than I was when I just had to do 1500.  It really has helped my concentration.  Yesterday's push ups were tough..  got through them... not all on my toes but got through em.  Trying to take those as deep as possible.  Also recently been trying to slow down my sit up action and really visualizing me rolling up my abs like a newspaper. Thanks for that analogy--it really helps me press those muscles since in the past I think I have been jerking that move too much.  After I finished the sit-ups the v sit-ups proved to be very interesting.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 41--42

Good workout on Day 41 by myself.  It was unfortunate that I did not have Benson pushing me along like I normally have.   He was missed.  Felt I could do the workout a little bit more easily than the ones over the past weekend.  Most difficult part though were the abs...  bicycle and v- sit ups.

My nephew and niece were in town from Moscow last night.  They are the athletes in the family.  They both ice dance for the Japanese national team and participated in the last Olympics in Vancouver.  Talk about 2 kids that are in shape.  Their younger sister actually ice danced for Georgia too.  Anyway-- did break from my diet a little bit had had a couple of sushi with them.

Feel like I have to be extra careful right now because so many people in our company are out sick right now.  Need to get a bit more sleep since I am totally spent.

Updated my pictures today..  down to 88kg..  looking forward to next week diets and workout schedule.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 39-40

Both days I have been exhausted again.  Golf was good but by the time I got home I was completely shattered.  It always seems to be much more difficult to decide to go work out rather than the workout itself.  Once I started I felt a ton better and got through it no problem.  Think I pulled something in my back though last night..  Today's workout was much more difficult..   it took me forever it seems to finish it up it seems.   One result I am seeing is that I have broken into the 88 kg handle.  First time in I don't know how many years.

Food is going well, especially my dinner shakes.  My kids loved the taste so much they wanted me to make some for them--- minus the raw egg whites.

Till tomorrow.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 37-- Day 38

Have to say Patrick that these workouts this week are brutal.  Been doing it with Benson over the past week and we are definitely feeling it.  Benson has been getting a lot better at jumping ropes.   Today he beat me by about 200 jumps...  I have to admit that even I was surprised but we both feel that the ropes are the easiest part of the workout.

I am having some serious cravings right now..  my wife was cooking chocolate brownies or muffins last night for my daughter's cheerleading group and walking through the kitchen was like walking through a field of land mines.  Anyway.. keeping strict with my diet because I still want to get rid of my gut.

Golfing with Jimbo and Blockie tomorrow.  Should be a good day to do it.  

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 35-- 36

Rest day was good.  Used to dread the thought of jumping 700 jumps but now 1400 go by quite smoothly. It is a bit tiring but I do enjoy it.  The pistol squats do hurt and find that I am using my arm a bit too much right now to help me back up..   will work on that.  Surprised on how much the 30 second bicycle rep hurt as well.  Still finding the pull-ups difficult as hell and have to revert back to the lateral pull-ups to finish.  Have to say the workout is picking up and getting much more difficult but I  say this every week and still complete it which makes me feel good.  I am tired but I think everyone is in the same boat.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 34

Workout today was a tough one I have to say.  The jump rope took way too long to complete.   I can't remember how many times I actually tripped up today.  I really do feel the muscle ache tonight from the workout.

Just put up my new picture today.  Been hovering just over 89 kg for this past week but then gained a kg yesterday.  That is the way it goes..   Don't really see much of a difference from the past week but quite a bit from when I started.

The last few days I have started once again to feel hunger pains in the evening and also craving just about everything you can think of.   That is just the way it is so I am living with it.   Looking forward to the day off tomorrow... always makes the week a bit shorter.  

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 32--33rd

Don't know what it is but I have been exhausted over the past few days.  I have been going to bed early but just a bit lethargic.  Saturday's workout specifically tough.. did not want to do it but did it anyway and felt a hell of a lot better for it.  Find the chest dips tough and the only chairs we have in the house that support my weight are not that tall so I find I cannot extend all the way down as far as I feel I should.  But even with that I do find them difficult.

Today was the first night after I started the new diet that I began to get pretty hungry again at night.   Went out with the family for dinner and while everyone else was having pasta and calzone I was having vegetable sticks.   Anyway.. that's the way it goes.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 30th--31st

Last two days of workouts have been rough but finished.  Especially today.... I was totally shattered when I arrived in the gym and felt expended after I left.  Good workout but seeing they are getting much more difficult.  Squat jumps are brutal along with the leg lifts and plank.  The plank is getting easier but I see we have to do it for 40 seconds the next time which I am sure those 10 seconds will seem like a lifetime.

Took advice from Blockie and jammed my milk/banana/egg whites + some cinnamon and a little honey into a blender and made a shake.   Actually tastes pretty damn good.  I think I will stick with that going forward.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 29th

Workout for me is getting much tougher but good.   Alex Benson and myself flew through the jump ropes in good time.  I think I got through 460 today before I tripped up... personal best for me so far.  Lunges and the jumps hurt but a good hurt.  Maybe got about two pull-ups in before I had to go do the lateral but that was two more than I could do from the start.  Feeling better on the plank even after the 100 sit ups so pretty happy about that.   It does hurt though quite a bit.

Have to say I am a bit surprised with my supper.  Even though I think I am eating less my hunger pains that I have been feeling over the past few weeks after dinner are gone.   It must be the milk.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 27th--28th.

Both yesterday and today still trying to get over the pain in my legs.  Good pain though I have to say.  I jumped rope like hell today for my 1300 and even Benson beat me.  Have to admit though he is getting a lot better at jumping rope than before.

Dropped down to just over 90kg after the end of the week.   Don't think I have been in the 8 handle for quite some time so looking forward to date.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day 25th--26th

Day 25th finished the workout and headed on over the Nishimachi Food Fair.  When I first started the program I was hoping that we would be given a few days off during the 90 days to pork out on usual cr#p and have few drinks on the side since this is an annual occasion with all the parents at school.  Then I saw your note and I saw that today would be a good day to try that out.  Unfortunately it was raining on Saturday and did not really want to take my one or two free drinks of wine  standing outside in the middle of a rainstorm.  Thought I would like to enjoy my day a bit more than that...   I did however have a nice American hot-dog and I swear it was about the best thing I have had in about 3 weeks.  I do have a simple life..  So,  I stayed away from the booze and that actually made me pretty happy.

Workouts are getting more difficult.  I really felt the creep this morning more so than anything of late on my legs. It felt like 120 single leg squats to me.   I was walking up and down the stairs in my place like a 90 year old up until the afternoon today.  Did not think the plank was as difficult today but that was probably because I didn't have Benson yelling at me to straighten out my back.  Pull-ups still near impossible.. maybe I got 2 in today.. using some contraption in the park opposite my apartment to do the attempts but think it probably will not support my entire weight so best be careful on that.

Feeling good though...   going to bed early and sleeping well..  Feel stronger.    Happy we have the day off tomorrow.  

Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 24th

Thought you said that I would enjoy the plank for the first couple of days.   Have to say that I enjoyed it for about the first 15 seconds but after that it was torture.  Then I realized I had another 2 sets to do.  Anyway, given on how much pain I was in I am sure they work.  Seems the other parts are tougher but getting through em.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 22-23rd

Not too much to report over the past few days.  Back with the workout and after I am done my arms feel like rubber.  I do feel like I am getting a bit stronger which is cool.  Went back in my closet the other day and started to drag out some old suits that my girth had made obsolete but found out that I could put some of them back on.  Found a receipt in one of them from 2003.  I really don't think I weighed over 90 kg back then so I guess I am putting some muscle mass on.

Resistance bands are tough.  Trying to slow those reps out as much as possible and definitely feeling it.  Push-ups getting better.  Today completed three sets on my toes.. final set needed to go to my knees but coming along.  Pull-ups another story but will work on it

New exercises look tough.  Should be interesting.  

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 20--21st

The workout on day 20th was brutal.  I felt pretty horrible on all the sets.. especially the push ups and triceps. All the resistance bands burned quite well and my arms are pretty sore today.  Not sure if it was the last day before our rest day or that I was in he gym about 4:30 in the afternoon.   Probably a bit of both.  I do tend to feel I get through everything better on the weekends when I work out earlier in the morning but obviously can' t do that during the week unless I am unemployed..  which I don't want to be.

Put my picture up on the web yesterday.   Felt a bit bummed that I could really not see much of an improvement over the previous week.  So goes it I guess.

1000 jumps much easier than I expected but still tripping up too much.  Probably need to slow it down and try to extend the number of jumps.  As it stands the max I think I have done without tripping so far is about 125 or so.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 19-20 Exhausted

Saturday I was completely exhausted after waking up at 4:50 AM for golf with Jim.  Shot an 87 at Kimisarazu which is not too bad.   Have to be honest and say that Saturday was one day that I did not want to work out after I got home.  It took me about 4 hours to finally pull my lazy ass outside to start jumping rope but once I did it ended up being a lot easier than I expected.  I was surprised that I could do more push ups than I had in the past but still ended up 1 short in my 3 set.  So I dropped down and finished 15 more off of my knees to push it.  The others going better but still feel I need to slow down the reps more to get maximum burn.  I was in bed by 9:30...  

Sunday finished the workout in the morning.  No pull-up bar so did the incline pull-ups instead.  Snapped my band on the standing ovation which almost took my ear off.  Hated that band anyway since I bought the cheap version that you wrap around your hands which tend to cut the circulation off if you wrap it around too much.   Need to spend a bit more cash this time around.  

My weight really hasn't changed too much over the past week.  I seem to be hovering around 92 kg.  Feel better though and looking forward to next week on the workouts with Benson.  Food going well but over the past few days feel like I am starving after dinner..  but dealing with it.    

Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 17-18

Not the best day working out on day 17th.  Half way through the workout boss called and scheduled a meeting that I had to attend.  Was not able to get back to finish things up until a few hours later before I went to bed.  Not the best result but did what I had to do.  Second day I finally found something that I do worse than push ups..... that would be a pull-up.   Benson can attest to that but I barely could get out 1 proper one.  Not a good result but something that I will have to change and work on.

Out golfing with Jim tomorrow..   need to get up and the crack of dawn to eat my breakfast and make the ride.  Looking forward to it.   I wonder if my golf game will have improved..

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 15-16

Gone are the days when I think I get a good workout by just going to the gym and having a run for 5 to 6 ks.  I feel the workout that I am doing now puts me in a much better mood.. at least until I get to work but anyway I do feel better.  Push-ups are tough but I am getting more done.  Pumping through the jump ropes.

Food not bad as well tonight.  Wife made me Kajiki maguro while my wife and daughter had Dia Indian keema curry with nan.. my favorite..  WTF on that.  Anyway, still feels good resisting the urge to dig into things that I shouldn't-- pretty much like it was when I quite smoking.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 12 and 13

Been a bit lazy and could not get on the PC yesterday.  Workouts are going good but still the push-ups are difficult.  I do complete them which makes me feel damn good.  Definitely getting better at jumping rope.  The resistance band exercises are burning nicely on the 3rd rep as well.

Have been losing a little bit of weight in my gut which is nice.  Think it is probably more that I have given up drinking 3 to 4 pints of beer after work that anything else but I will take it.  Do feel I am getting a little bit stronger and I feel much better about myself.  Sleeping better as well.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 11

First day in about 2 weeks that right after I finished eating my dinner I was still starving.  Wife cooked a great tuna steak with small olive oil and spiced with pepper, herbs and some lemon.  Best damn thing I have had in about 2 weeks.  I would like to have it again but since it goes for about 1000 yen a pop I don't think I will be seeing too much of it.    First real challenge on not wanting to dig into anything else after dinner since today I really felt it.

Workout was good.  650 jumps going much more smoothly than they did over the last few days.  Even though I am using medium strength resistance bands the standing ovation exercise really burned today.  It was good.   Tomorrow looking forward to the push-ups... which i do hate.  

Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 10

Usually I work out after the market closes but today I just wanted to get out of work as quickly as possible. Market remains tough and very frustrating to trade.  Do find out though that I am getting quite hungry during the day... especially around 4 to 5 in the evening.

Found a good incline pull-up bar behind my house in the park.  ( the monkey bars that kids use to spin around on)   It actually worked quite well.  Find the sets much more difficult but that is nice.  About it for today.    

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 9

Today I went out and bought myself some organic jumbo oats cereal from Nisshin.   Actually tasted like ground up card board.   Had to add a few blueberries to make it even partially acceptable.  However, even though the portions are big for all meals I am surprised on how not full I feel during the day.  If anything I feel hungry after about an hour.

Workout done in the morning.  600 jumps still quite a bit and my calves are still sore.  Arms a bit as well.    Feels good though.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Don't know if anyone else felt this but thought that was a lot of food.  Especially for breakfast.  In the past even after everything I have read my breakfast has usually been the smallest meal of the day for me.  Always just had to grab something before leaving the house.   Probably one of the big reasons why I would be starving come about lunch time.  Dinner used to be the largest...  obviously we all know that is bad but that is the way things would work.  So this is a big transformation for my diet.

As for the workout..  600 jumps much tougher than the 500 yesterday.  Think I missed the jump about 50 times during the process and just barely finish ahead of Alex. My calves are hurting today. Pull-ups a treat ( a bit sarcastic)  since I have never done those before.

Took some time after dinner last night to go out to the range and hit some golf balls.   Trying to get a bit better so I can begin to win money back instead of watching it fly out of my pockets as of late.  

  Looks like a bit of rain today so will have to get on it.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 6 & 7

Two days in one today.  Was busy yesterday so didn't have a chance to write.  The exercise went as planned.  I jumped rope as usual out in the parking lot..  Me and the mosquitoes.  They were taking me down mid jump..   Still find the push-ups with the bar tough.  Can only do a set and a half on my toes..  Have to say I thought I would never admit to doing push-ups from my knees but that is about the only way I can complete all the sets.

Today did the 500 jumps.   Completed in a little over 5 minutes.  The pain the my legs seem to have disappeared for now.  I am sure the pain will pick up again starting from tomorrow.  Last half dinner was Yakinikudon and a  bottle of Smirnoff Ice drink. Thought one bottle would be fine since I would have normally downed about 3 a night in the past.  On the way home I bought a bottle of wine and thought about sharing that with my wife tonight but thought it would taste much better after Dec 15th.

Even after one week I feel much better than I have felt in about 10 years.  I know the program is going to get tough as hell going forward but I am looking forward to it.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 5

Out with my wife and younger daughter last night for dinner.  Went out to an organic macrobiotic  restaurant and the food was actually quite good.  One thing that surprises me is how much better all the food tastes when I am just eating half of it.  My body feels a lot better as well.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 4

My wife was on the computer doing her work so a day late with the blog.  My 10 year old yesterday told me in her own words that "you have become a bit cranky over the past few days".  I do suppose I have to be more careful around my family when I am on this diet.  Legs are feeling much better but am finding the push-ups to be very difficult with the push-up bars..   This is life and will have to deal with it.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 3

Not too much to report.  A bit shattered after waking up at 4:30 this morning for golf.  The weather was fantastic and the golf was not bad.  Good to get out in little American though.  Good change of pace.  Purchased a new jump rope and some push up bars.  With the bars it is much more difficult.. couldn't get all my three sets done.  Do it again tomorrow.  

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 2

Have to say today was a bit of a tough one.  2nd day in and all.  Had a previous arrangement a few months ago to attend wine tasting dinner at the French Kitchen tonight.  Tough to only eat half of the dishes that came out but did it anyway.  First time I had more than 5 glasses of wine on the table without me plowing through all of them.   Had to drink one of them though...  1985 Chateau Cos d`Estournel.   Waking up tomorrow early ( 4:30 AM) and golfing with Jimbo and crew out at the Zama military base.  Been looking forward to this for a bit.

Workout good.  Yes lunges do hurt so my legs are feeling it only after two days.  See you tomorrow.  

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 1

First day on the project and tried to cut half of what I usually have out of my diet.  Have to say I was hungry all day long.  As for the workout..   I was a bit more winded with the jump rope that I thought I would be.  I guess I have not done that for about 15 years.  Have to get the rhythm down.   Felt the squats as well walking down the stairs to the subway.   Have to say I am looking forward to the experience.